Sue and her husband knew a residential lift was essential. It was the only way they could stay in their home.
Finding a new house is difficult at the best of times, but during COVID-19 it was next to impossible.
After months of looking, Sue and her husband, Helmut, decided to rent a double-storey town house in Mona Vale, whilst continuing their search for a new home in the area.
This was the couple's first time living in a place with stairs, but the climb had its rewards; the view over the glowing sands and pristine waters of Basin Beach was spectacular.
A few months after signing the lease, Sue and her husband knew they never wanted to move out and made an offer on the property.
Ecstatic after their purchase, the couple started planning a renovation. But life isn't always easy, and at about this time Sue started experiencing increased knee pain caused by years of playing competitive netball as a teenager and young adult.

The specialist recommended knee replacement surgery, and as he explained the procedure and rehabilitation period, Sue realised she wouldn’t be able to use the stairs for months.
“We faced the heartbreaking decision of moving out but didn’t want to move again. Not at this age!
“We realised a residential lift was essential. It was the only way to stay in our home,” Sue says.

With the help of their family, the couple consulted numerous lift companies and considered many different designs.
“Then my daughter-in-law spotted a RESiLIFT van noting they covered the Northern Beaches, and the rest is history,” smiles Sue.
RESiLIFT’s local distributors, John and Sharen Braams, visited the couple to help them choose the lift best suited to their home, lifestyle, and needs.
In the end, there was only one place a lift could go, and the Mirage fit perfectly.
“We were blown away by the design of the Mirage and thought it looked amazing! It was just so neat and modern.
“We couldn’t believe all the components and features of the lift could fit into such a small cabin,” Sue says.
Following her operation, Sue relied heavily on the lift to access all the areas of her home and to transport heavy items like the washing and vacuum cleaner.
When friends and family saw it, they could hardly believe such attractive home lifts were available.
“Now we have people calling in just to ride the lift,” Sue laughs.
Recently, another medical setback has made the couple even more grateful to have a lift in their home.
“The lift is an absolute bonus in my life. It’s like one of my best friends,” Sue says.
[First published in Pittwater Life, April 2024]