Retirement is an ideal time to prepare for the next fulfilling season of our lives – and one of the most important decisions to make is whether to stay in the home you’ve grown to love, or move on. Don’t make that call until you’ve considered all the options. There are many factors that play into such a major life decision – proximity to the grandchildren, how connected you are to the local community, or even how physically challenging navigating a large house can become after a while. But one thing is for sure: you no longer have to leave your two-storey home just because of the stairs. That’s right; what may have been an insurmountable barrier for many of us a decade ago is no longer, thanks to RESiLIFT. RESiLIFT is a residential lift that can be easily installed into existing or new homes. The clever Australian design was the first of its type in the world, pioneering shaftless lifts. It allows people to live in the homes they love without breaking the bank or making a massive impact on their building structures. Louisa King, who works as an occupational therapist, says a person’s home is “often part of…
Frequently Asked Questions
RESiLIFT® are the smallest residential lifts on the market. The smallest RESiLIFT® is the Mirage and has a footprint of only 1040mm x 850mm. The Mirage can fit in almost any home in places like a linen cupboard or on an angle in the corner of the room. It is ideal for fitting into existing floorplans that did not contemplate including a lift.
The largest RESiLIFT® is the Miracle Max. This is sufficiently large for a wheelchair, but still only takes 1040mm X 1350mm. We are able to customise for any size in between these measurements except for the 1040 at the guiderails which cannot be altered.
When the lift is being installed as part of a new build, the ideal dimensions for any 'provision for future lift' are 1070X1200 for the Miracle models and 1070 X 1500 for the Miracle Max models
Transitioning into the next phase of retirement, there’s a crucial decision that must come first: to stay in your beloved home or start looking for other options. Thankfully RESiLIFT has given people a good reason to stay after creating the perfect solution to steep stairs and ageing joints. Whether it be carrying the laundry, suitcases or awkward objects, moving safely between floors is now possible. Architect, Jegi Jager, from CPS Project Management says “it just makes sense to incorporate a RESiLIFT into your house, whether you are renovating or designing a new home”. “Australians have to move away from this idea of single-level dwellings” he explains. “Some people associate lifts with ageing, but in 2020 that is not the case. There are many reasons you might need to use a lift, irrespective of your age. All two-level homes in the future need to provide a safe and convenient way to travel between floors.” “Land is expensive, but we need green space around our homes. It is important for our wellbeing to be able to get outside and enjoy some light and green, so the only solution is to go up.” “This is the future. I would never build or plan…
Why should homeowners consider a home elevator? Initially associated with the aging population, residential elevators are fast becoming a lifestyle inclusion for all multi level homes. As souring land prices force developers upwards, elevators prove a safer alternative to stairs. Residential lifts are now replacing the dumb waiters being installed to take groceries from the garage to the pantry and laundry chutes previously included in luxury homes. Many people use their elevators for commuting items that are difficult on stairs such as luggage and furniture. Some use them for their sick/older pets, although this is rarely the primary reason for installation. Many people do not want to purchase double storey homes but with land prices cannot afford to have single storey, so installing an elevator resolves that problem. Who benefits from installing a home elevator? Nowadays architects will typically suggest at least a provision for a future lift in new build designs. There are also a number of lifts that can be installed for existing homes, such as the RESiLIFT®. It is not just the homeowner who benefits. Because people do not have to move home, they retain their family memories and community connections. It is much harder for older people to…